For this piece, I was presented with a photo taken on the surface of Mars and tasked with envisioning what it would be like to take a walk in that area. I started out by drawing an alien, because I fe...Read More
I had an easy time writing this QCQ, as while the subject matter was a bit heavy, I was already aware of it, and could connect it to recent events affecting my life, and the lives of all my friends....Read More
For this piece, I was tasked with making a collage of a location/locations where I felt at peace. The obvious pick (and one of the only places I already had in my camera roll) was Freddy Beach. Whenev...Read More
For this DailyCreate, I wanted to add a transparent PNG of a funny nose and glasses to a picture of a person. It turned out to be very difficult to find an actual transparent PNG of a funny nose and g...Read More
Welcome back my website: this week I’ll be discussing the porpoise: dolphin of the sea. Last year, before I came to UNE, I participated in the first-year camping trip. While I didn’t meet ...Read More
Animals: we’ve all heard of them, and most of us have even seen them. I personally have seen a veritable cornucopourri of critters, varmints and the like. Once, I was on a beach in Maine and I found...Read More
There’s not much to say about this piece; I simply took 3 historical figures and mixed them up. I think the most involved part of this assignment was settling on a quote. I spent some time think...Read More
For this piece, I first considered having the Two-ber joke, followed by a YouTwo-ber, and then a U2-ber, but I quickly realized that there was no valid U2 album art, and that this idea was also really...Read More
QUOTATION: “-but social media functions as a ‘counterpublic’- a space for exchanging political views and opinions that exist in opposition to the norms of its cultural environment, and that ‘p...Read More