Hi! For this week, I wanted to go over an odd fish I learned about in my Marine Biology class. This animal is the icefish, also known as the crocodile icefish. These fish live in the freezing waters o...Read More
For this assignment, I needed to select an image relevant to Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangled Life, then find a quote relating to the image. I quickly decided to use an image of a fungus solving a m...Read More
Good day! I ran out of pictures of animals I’ve seen, so this week I’d like to share an animal I think is real neat: the Bobbit Worm!! These critters are polychaetes, meaning they are mari...Read More
Good day! This week, I’d like to talk about an animal that means a lot to me: clam shrimp! The picture in the top left is a close-up view of these guys, while the other picture was taken with a ...Read More
Good afternoon! For this week’s blog, I dug deep and went about 4 years back into my camera roll and found this picture of seal. I know it’s kind of cheating to use an animal I saw at an a...Read More