Hello! I know I said my last blog would be the final one, but I know better than to pass up an extra credit opportunity! Because this is my REAL final post, I wanted to do something special. When I wa...Read More
Hey! This week I’d like to talk about one of my favorite animals out there, the octopus! Off the top of my head, I have to say that the octopus has the most varied utility belt of any animal. Ne...Read More
Hi! This week I’d like to talk about anteaters! As the name implies, these large mammals subsist almost exclusively on nesting insects such as ants and termites, and have evolved several unique ...Read More
Hey! This week I’d like to take a minute to talk about Hermit Crabs! It’s no secret that crabs are super varied, and there are more incredible species with weird traits than I can count. O...Read More
Hi! For this week, I wanted to go over an odd fish I learned about in my Marine Biology class. This animal is the icefish, also known as the crocodile icefish. These fish live in the freezing waters o...Read More
For this assignment, I needed to select an image relevant to Merlin Sheldrake’s Entangled Life, then find a quote relating to the image. I quickly decided to use an image of a fungus solving a m...Read More
Good day! I ran out of pictures of animals I’ve seen, so this week I’d like to share an animal I think is real neat: the Bobbit Worm!! These critters are polychaetes, meaning they are mari...Read More
Good day! This week, I’d like to talk about an animal that means a lot to me: clam shrimp! The picture in the top left is a close-up view of these guys, while the other picture was taken with a ...Read More